Monday, June 8, 2009


In the last month or so, while "teaching" usually, I have developed the habit of list making. It is somehow comforting and somewhat neurotic. Indeed. Here are the results:

Number of times I have moved:

Dover, Ohio
Katy, Texas
Valreco, Florida
Marietta, Georgia
Cheshire, Connecticut
Houston, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Beijing, China
Austin, Texas
London, England
Austin, Texas
Seoul, South Korea

Total= 12

Countries I have been to:
South Korea


Jobs I have held:

Mailboxes, etc (cashier and loser of mail-Houston)
Randalls Grocery (checkerouter of food-Houston)
Tutor (reader of books to blind students- San Antonio)
Mayor's office (assistant of assistant of mayor-Austin)
Japanese Restraunt (spiller of drinks-Idaho)
Nanny (cleaner of vomit-Austin)
Texas Physician Magazine (caller of ad people-Austin)
Nanny(cleaner of vomit-London)
AMC movie theatre (manager of pimply-faced kids-Idaho)
STARBUCKS (chill out Brett, I didn't forget the only reason we became friends)
Sweetish Hill Bakery (manager of pimply-faced kids and baker of goods-Austin)
Taylor Texas Newspaper (writer and editor of news-Taylor)
Teacher (back to cleaner of vomit-Seoul)

Total= 13 (broke the trend)

During this process I have come to a number that is not 12conclusions:
1. Lists serve no purpose
2. Lists compartmentalize your life into neat,color-coded (if you're awesome) boxes
3. Neat, color-coded boxes of your life can be depressing. Unless you use blue, cause blue is soothing.
4. People who make lists are typically uncomfortable with chaos and quite controlling
5. By looking at these list, one can see why the list-maker has been making lists
6. This list has made me realize I have spent most of my time cleaning up childrens vomit.
7. The compulsion to make a list of what I have learned from lists is making me ill
8. The urge to complete 12 things in current list shows an overwhelming need for vacation.

The lists stop here. Bring on the chaos.


Anonymous said...

That's better. I knew you couldn't forget.

Annette said...

you should make a list about how you can avoid getting more jobs cleaning up vomit. Very organized persons usually get panic disorder but I know for a fact that even though you make lists you are very spontaneous and unorganized so, list away, it slows you down and makes you take inventory of "self".

missleah said...

Thanks, mom. Yeah, I did one of all my boyfriends, too. That was quite a "self" moment. Yikes.