Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas week

Monday: Christmas presentation rehearsal with kindergarten. Try to convince Jae-Hee that dancing the polka in front of large group is not scary. Squeeze 9 small children into puffy penguin costumes because my 10th, Jae-Hee, didn't buy my speech, dance the polka...stop to squeeze two out of penguin costume to pee...back into costume to finish rehearsal. Rest of day spent giving unit tests to middle school kids while I map out tropical getaway.

Tuesday: Christmas presentation at Cultural Arts Center followed by more tests. Celebrate last class with coworkers.

Wednesday: Brunch with Tessa, Carrie, Lindsay. Pack for Thailand. Jump on airplane with Naz. Nothing but smiles.

Thursday: Arrive at 1:35 a.m. Christmas morning to a car service, which will take us to our hotel...that offers 24 hour massage.

Friday: Travel to south of Thailand, rest on beach, lay in hammock, roll over, massage, return to my hammock, eat food, go for swim, massage after strenuous swim. Merry Christmas to me.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

world of pain

I found a youtube video of the academy I went to for Capoeira. This was my class and the guy in green pants is the one who made me play with him...umm, keep reading so that doesn't sound weird. It starts off slow but keep watching... my instructor is at the end in a white shirt, pretty much just kicking and slapping everyone. Andy is in it, too. Only white guy with long hair.

I wish I could say I brought a world of pain to the guys in my class, but unfortunately I am referring more to the pain ripping through every muscle in my body. I went to my first capoeira class and loved it, but ended up getting my butt kicked in a martial arts class where no one actually kicks each other.

I went to watch and was told I wouldn't be pressured into participating. Liars! I met up with Andy and only 5 steps out of the subway station he tells me he has an extra pair of pants for me in case I decided to not be a wuss. When I met the instructor I thanked him for letting me watch and he said, "you aren't watching, there's no watching."

I looked around at all of the guys, only guys, and mentally turned around and went home where I martial arted my own butt for being such a wuss. So I put on the white pants and joined the boys club. Brutal.

We went over the basics practicing each kick over and over in front of the mirror. In between each move we did a different push-up. Ten regular, then 10 clapping, then 10 dropping to your elbows and back up. I felt like G.I. Jane but with no upper body strength or awesome haircut.

When we were finished with the mirror the mats came out and we all lined up to do rolls, then cartwheels, then one-handed cartwheels, then front and back walk-overs, then handsprings. Much to my surprise, and surprise of the guys (which I have to admit felt really good to my ego after those shameful push-ups) I am still able to do all of those things.

The only part that is still very intimidating for me is at the end when you "play" capoeira. If you look it up you will understand, but basically its like a battle, similar to breakdancing, between two people. You use the kicks and flips but there is never any contact (on purpose). Everyone else is in a circle singing in portuguese and playing instruments. When you feel like it, you can cut in and challenge one of the people playing. I was too scared, but they eventually forced me to get up and join. I was horrible and embarrassed, but I tried it. So fun to watch two people when they are good, though. At the end of class the instructor said something about gymnastics then gave me a thumbs up and told Andy to bring me back, which was nice.

As soon as I regain the ability to dress myself again, I fully intend on doing just that.

Friday, December 12, 2008

p.s. the protestors who can't ruin christmas

Thailand is back on and I now wake up every morning with the beach on my mind. I even taught my class the Christmas Vacation Happy Dance. It similar to the Friday Happy Dance we do each week, but with a little more hip and a lot more jazz hands.

Iv'e got moves you've never seen

And really neither have I. But I am hoping to acquire them when I go check out this capoiera class with my friend Andy. He is already really into it and asked me to come watch. We both figure because of my gymnastics I will at least have an advantage in learning. To be honest, I have at one point in my life been able to do some of what is in this video...but at what point in my life I will not mention. I'm pretty sure the only evidence at this point that I was ever a gymnast is in my height.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


this is for you today. the words are beautiful. listen.