Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thailand videos

Here is MOST of the Thailand videos awkwardly compiled for your viewing confusion. I have it sectioned off into three parts though the videos are really disjointed, partly because I have no proper movie maker, but mostly because I kept forgetting to video tape. There is more video but mostly of hiking, more climbing, lots of good looking rock climbers, climbing (for my eyes only!) and video on the beach...which I didn't want to post because I don't want creepers watching me in a swimsuit. But these are the highlights including:

Video 1: A brief explanation of the disaster that almost ruined christmas, followed by very non-seq video of our different modes of transportation. Followed by our first morning in Ton Sai for Christmas, an amazing sunset on the anniversary of the tsunami...you get the idea.

Video 2:

Lots of rock climbing, hiking, etc. There was a cave I ventured up to from the beach alone. It was higher than anticipated, ridiculously unsafe, and filled with bats.

Video 3: new years eve celebration and more people on the beach than I had seen the entire trip. It was really fun though. To be honest, after weeks of solitude, the party was a little much for me. Just after midnight we hiked back to Small World Bar, had a drink with some new friends and went to sleep. At the Small World Bar there is a clip of Chai, who offered me a job. I'm on my way as soon as my contract is finished here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I read this today. Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie:

Thinking it over, I realized that the most powerful actions I can take toward societal improvement will have to start very close to home, arising not from the need to leave a mark on history, but from empathy and sincere understanding of the places in my life where neglect exists.

I can't cool boiling waters in Russia. I can't be Picasso. I can't be Jesus. I can't save the planet single-handedly. I can wash dishes.

Live for a long time in the place you were born and strange things will happen to you. You forget what it's like to discover. In order to survive, you seek out ways to discover things in miniature. Instead of becoming worldly you become intimate. You see every tragic refraction of the place and it sees the same in you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

snow white class

The first video is of Jae-Gyoon stealing my pencil case. He is always taking my things so its hilarious that I caught this on tape. The second video is of Grace instigating the daily sing along while they work. Kindergarten. Breaks. My. Heart!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rock Climbing-Ton Sai

Here is a short clip of me rock climbing. We are at least 250 feet above the ocean and climbing about 90 to 100 feet about that. Ton Sai is any rock climbers heaven and now I know why. Once I came back down all I wanted to do was climb back up. Nothing can beat the view from the top:


I'm back in Seoul after nearly two weeks in Thailand. My entire time was spent in Ton Sai. I was supposed to travel around but never managed to leave this sleepy town. I am in love. I am also exhausted to so here are some things to look at until I can have a proper cup of coffee and a nights sleep.

Bangkok: December 25, 2008
End of the road: The only way to get to Ton Sai and my first taste of the ocean in years.
Anniversary: Sunset on the anniversary of the tsunami.
Bungalow H-14: My heaven isn't fancy or expensive.
Beach: Ton Sai after a swim.
Connect 4: Passing time with James on a very lazy Ton Sai night.

Small World Bar: My new job waits for me in 6 months. Come visit me here and Ill make you a drink.
Going into a very dark cave alone.

This is James.
Kids playing
New Years Eve: Lanterns flying above Ton Sai

New Years Eve: Fireworks

The beginning of the end: 15 hour bus ride back to Bangkok
Bangkok City: morning
Bangkok City: Man selling glasses
Bangkok City: leg

Bangkok City: My new sleeve