Monday, June 8, 2009

Beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Dear anyone reading this lame, lame blog that was originally constructed to share cultural experiences and loads of pictures and was sorely dissapointed by the lack of:

I will be leaving Korea October 1st. I will be traveling alone for 2 months. I will be sleeping in hammocks, dirt floors, beaches, and perhaps one or two hospital beds. I will be going to the bathroom and using a hose to clean my butt. I will be eating food that will sometimes give me diarrhea. I will be taking buses with chickens on them. I will be hiking a lot. I will be sleeping a lot. I will be smiling ear to ear. a lot.

Anyone interested in joining me for any of these things (which I just now see implies you could choose to join me only for the diarrhea portion of my trip, or only meet up whenever I clean my butt with a hose) or knows of anyone who is interested in these things, let me know.

I will most likely be in one or all of the following locations:
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia.

October - December

Im really excited to travel alone, but some company from time to time would be welcomed...especially in Cambodia or Vietnam.

K. Awesome.


carriebot said...

no nepal? sadface.

Unknown said...

How I'd love to go to Vietnam, if only for the Pho. WHICH YOU WILL EAT AND TAKE PICTURES OF!!! GOT IT!?

missleah said...

the pho is not at all like it is back home. No flavor at all.And carrie, duh Im going to Nepal...just not inviting anyone to that portion. Duh.