Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Swine Flu

I was told yesterday by my boss that a CDI school was shutting down for 9 days and teachers put in quarantine because of a few cases of swine flu.

"Ahh, no fair. Lots of my friends work there. Why do they get the swine flu vacation?"

That comment was followed up by a text message from my boss last night and this morning asking me to take the issue seriously. These texts were followed up this morning with a private meeting discussing my whereabouts with all CDI employees.

"We" have concluded that as of this moment my contact was more than a week ago and I have not shown swiney symptoms...but I am definitely a red flag.

Swine flu.

1 comment:

carriebot said...

you should've come down to daegu for the weekend. we could have infected you and you could get the time off. sucker.