Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Great Korean Escape

I signed my new contract today. A hasty decision spurred on by a growing desire to wake up mornings not questioning whether I'll be peed on, a need to hear the ocean and not my drunk neighbors and yippie dog, and a very happy wedding occasion that calls me to Nepal in November.

For all of these reasons, not to mention my contract was supposed to end less than a month from now, I have decided to extend only until September 24th.

As for my plans--I have no idea. I worried for roughly two nights. There was a slightly panicked phone call to seany in New York. I also recall a "what am I doing with my life" moment. But after all the money calculations, destination plotting, and job searches I have quickly realized that I will do what I have always done. Take it one step at a time and remind myself that I have always followed my gut and as it turns out I think it's heading me down a pretty interesting, worthwhile path.

Plus, an old middle school "friend" on facebook posted this about his future plans:

"To begin my weekend... I'm at work, then condo board meeting tonight. Tomorrow: Linc's first haircut, mall, KoRn CONCERT! Sat: Work. Sun: Parade and picnic! Monday: work."

At no point in the near future will I utter any of those words, especially the KoRn CONCERT! part. And so far I'm thinking I'm ok with that. So here's to the last four months in Korea and the months of travel ahead.

We shall see.

Oh, and I did my first backflip in Capoeira last night. The first in 10 years. Who says you can't go back and do it all again?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i think your plans sound perfect! :)